Top 5 Games I Haven’t Beaten

I love video games. I love playing them, reading about them, and talking to other people about them. Unfortunately I don’t have time to beat them all. Sometimes I don’t even have time to beat the big ones. I’m talking the AAA titles that everyone will be talking about. I know I am not alone in this. So here are my Top 5 Games I haven’t beaten. After the article, you can share yours and we will bear the burden together.

5) Prince of Persia

The original Prince of Persia was a classic that was beloved by many gamers. However, the reboot was an even greater critical and commercial success. It was applauded for everything from its story line to its mechanics. I haven’t beaten it. In fact the only Prince of Persia I have poured enough time into to beat was the either loved or hated reboot also titled Prince of Persia (if you’re wondering, I loved it…gasp). The latest title in the series, The Forgotten Sands, barely made a splash despite, or maybe due to, being released near the movie’s premiere. Hopefully with the upcoming HD remakes, I will be able to find time to play the first couple and be a part of the group.

4) Gears of War

Gears of War crashed on to the scene, showing gamers what the Xbox 360 was all about. It has literally changed the way people make third-person shooters. People don’t have cover systems in third-person shooters anymore; they have “gears-style cover systems.” Even the guns have become iconic, namely the chainsaw gun. I have never beaten either of the first two. I have actually played a lot of the first one, but I haven’t beaten it. Maybe I can finish them before Gears of War 3.

3) Assassin’s Creed

Assassin’s Creed has quickly become one of this generation’s biggest franchises. People love the combination of crazy sci-fi jumping through memories and then, once in the memories, jumping onto people’s faces. I have actually played a ton of the first one. But I had a problem; I couldn’t kill anyone who mattered. I just killed guards. Over and over and over again. And you know what? I had fun.

2) Grand Theft Auto

Grand Theft Auto titles have changed the landscape of gaming in more ways than you can count. From its scope to the amount of media attention, Rockstar simply does it big. My Grand Theft Auto playing is very similar to my Assassin’s Creed playing. I steal cars and run over people. I did beat Red Dead Redemption though. Can that count?

1) Super Mario 64

I was busy playing Goldeneye. Sorry.

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