Preview: DC Universe Online Beta

I’ve been reading Comic Books for quite sometime, both Marvel and DC. Though with the not so recent  Green Lantern Rebirth and the  Green Lantern Corps Recharge I’ve found myself a bit hooked on the DC Universe. Which was perfect timing for Sony Online Entertainment and DC to team up for the DC Universe Online.

I’ve had a couple of weeks with the DCUO Beta on the PS3. So is it the next World of Warcraft? How does it hold up to other MMOs. What’s my take as a resident DC Comics fan? Write up after the break.

So jumping into the game can you guess who and what I wanted to be. As if my Green, White and Black outfit wasn’t a dead giveaway I was most interested in being a Green Lantern. While the Green Lanterns weren’t in the Beta I still had a pretty decent look a like.

I really wasn’t sure if you could pull off a MMO on the PS3. Though the basic gameplay was pretty refined. Essentially it plays a bit like a Brawler mixed with a MMO. You essentially have a Punch and Magic button. You can use them in combination to pull off some pretty neat moves. The Special Abilities are hot keyed to the generic 4 Button layout of the PS3 controller. You hold down L2 or R2 and then hit the button to activate.

I was most impressed with the mission styles of the game. For instance the missions for one of the Bane arcs. Which started with me going on a solo investigation of the Docks in Gotham. Then I was to take out some of Bane’s men, destroy the stuff they were trying to ship. Then go after Bane with Nightwing. What I liked the most about this was the inclusion of the other DC characters working with you. The best part is they don’t treat you like a rookie.

Overall a pretty solid game and a fresh take on MMO’s. Hope you enjoyed my brief preview of the DCU Online. Be sure to check back with as a full review of the final version of the game is coming soon.