DC Rebirth – Sept 21st: Sad Cyborg, GL makes Cookies, Monsters in Gotham and guess who’s coming to dinner?

DC Rebirth continues its onslaught of the comic book industry: the August 2016 numbers had DC taking nine out of the top 10 best selling comics. It’s great news for DC Fans, though I’m very interested to see how Marvel responds.

There is a lot going on in the DC Universe this week as Gotham has a monster of a problem, Cyborg is doing a diagnostic on his soul, and Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz have a baking challenge. Oh and the Trinity get together for some dinner.

Green Lantern #7

gl-leftIn the making of Green Lantern: First Flight, the director said they had one goal in mind for the opening: to get Hal Jordan off of earth as quickly as possible. Why is that? Well as I understood it the Green Lantern are Space Cops. So how come Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz are still on Earth?

Well in this riveting tale our heroes are preparing for the ultimate challenge: meeting Simon Baz’s mother. Jessica Cruz will have to conquer her anxiety so that she can interact and socialize with Baz’s family. Oh and did I mention they also have to bake Ma’amoul Cookies?

I keep hoping that this series is going to go somewhere, so far it just feels stale. What’s tough is I generally like both Simon and Jessica – it just feels like the writers don’t really know what to do with them.

Top Pick: Trinity #1

Apparently I’m going through a bit of a Super phase right now with my comic reading as both Superman and Supergirl are very much on my radar, including the Super family: Lois, Superman, John.

While the premise is simple, the writing is amazing. Trinity is reunited: Batman, Wonder Woman and Superman. Lois invites them to dinner. The only thing is, she hasn’t told anyone they are coming over. Again story is super simple – the trinity coming to dinner. What I really appreciated was the backstory of each of the characters and what they are currently going through in the universe. Specifically with how they interact with the outside realm and how important it is to Superman to keep his family safe. Oh and there’s a little bit of fun with John (Superboy) interacting with Bruce Wayne.

Surprise Pick: Cyborg #1

Following his huge fight with Malware, then stopping some criminals from robbing a bank, wecyborg-right find Cyborg going through diagnostic checks to make sure he’s all right. Granted, Cyborg thinks he’s fine, but his father is insisting. After the revelations from Cyborg Rebirth #1, let’s just say Victor (Cyborg) is feeling a little down, as he found not only a hidden room in Star Labs, but also his source code and a not so happy audio diary from his father, essentially asking the question: is Cyborg truly his son or just a machine imitating him? Cyborg’s dad has Sarah run some additional diagnostics, and she decides to take Cyborg out for a night on the town, filled with ice cream and some jazz. The actual jazz scene was my favorite.

Cyborg meets one of musicians, Blue, who explains that music is good for the soul. Cyborg explains that he doesn’t know if he has one, and explains the accident that made him who he is today. What Cyborg didn’t notice is that Blue is blind. Blue talks about his past and how when he lost his sight he had no interest in humanity, and he lost his very spirit for living, aka his soul, but found both again in music. Specifically the art of jazz:

“Every choice of note or phrase. Every unexpected decision as to how to play. That’s where the essence of me lives. And when the music comes out, and I hear it — no when I feel it. That’s when my soul is speaking to me. That’s when I know it’s still there.”

After Cyborg’s night out comes to a close, Cyborg and Sarah are walking back to the lab, when a giant cybernetic being name Kilgore shows up looking for a fight…

Batman #7

I dunno how I feel about the Bat books for the week, the story just seemed a tad over the top – but it was fun to read.

Everyone in the Bat Family is still grieving over the death of Red Robin, and Gotham is about to be hit by a Hurricane. It’s up to the whole Bat Family and Friends to get everyone to safety. Simple enough right? Well how about we add a little Strange: Hugo Strange!!! Viola, giant monsters are also attacking throughout Gotham…

Nightwing #3

The Night of the Monster Men story continues and the artwork in this book is fantastic. Both Duke and Alfred are attempting to break down the biological nature of the Monsters, while Gotham Girl is restricted to the Bat Cave – as apparently any time she uses her super powers it slowly kills her.

Meanwhile Nightwing, Batwoman, and Batman have their hands full with a sort of hairy hydra monster. Luckily Duke develops the Bat Beacon – a holographic Batman at every street light – and has informed Gotham to get to safety as Orphan and Spoilers and Bullock usher everyone into some nearby caves for safety.

To make matters more fun, Nightwing discovers where the monsters originated from. They’ve only encountered two monsters, and there are still two out there. Gotham Girl decides to mix it up and goes into battle.

What books are you reading this week? Drop us a line and let us know.