DC Rebirth: Sept 7th – Super Cyborgs, Superman’s Best Friend, Secret Identities Revealed and more

I’m actually surprised by now that a Blue Lantern Ring hasn’t found me, as each week I sit down to read the DC Rebirth and I HOPE. Specifically, I hope it continues to be awesome – and so far each week I’ve been surprised that it is. What I’ve been enjoying the most is reading books that normally wouldn’t be on my Pull List.

This week is no different as we see characters return, identities revealed, and deep questions arise about our heroes.

Before I get into my picks this week, warning: there will be some spoilers.

Surprise Pick of the Week:

Cyborg Rebirth #1

cyborg-1I’ll be the first to admit it, I really wasn’t expecting much from this book. Not because I don’t like the character – quite the contrary. In the past it just didn’t feel like DC knew what to do with Cyborg. The setup to this book is a little meh: insert a brute named Malware, who is essentially a Nanite (Nano Bots) version of Venom (Marvel Comics), who’s main objective is to break into Star Labs, which we assume is to get some amazing but dangerous tech. And our hero Cyborg is the only one that can stop him. Then add just a dash of Origin story.

I know it’s a Rebirth so the origin was to be expected, but what was the surprise? Well Malware isn’t after anything that’s on the map at Star Labs – essentially he’s only going through the Red Room (where Star Labs keeps all its dangerous tech) to make his way to another Room. Which contains the source code for Cyborg and Audio Notes from Cyborgs Dad. The notes basically ask the question: Is Cyborg truly my son, or is it just a program imitating him? Oh and don’t forget about the person who was pulling Malware strings – who essentially wants to start a Cyborg uprising…

Superman #6 

This was already on my pull list because of Peter Tomasi and Patrick Gleason. It’s also one of the most beautifully drawn books in the DC Rebirth. If you are behind some issues: it’s Superman vs the Eradicator. Now this fight for me was a little long, but thankfully there was a wonderful payoff at the end, as a super character comes back from beyond the grave.

Batman #6 

So apparently I’m way behind on this series – Gotham Girl has gone crazy over the death of her brother Gotham. With a shaved head and constant conversations with her brother (who’s not there) she cleans up Gotham pretty quickly. Batman is a bit worried about her and wants to reach her – and what is a better way to do that? I know, let’s reveal our secret identity! If that wasn’t enough fun for you,  Amanda Waller shows up telling Batman that Bane has a Psycho Pirate. Looks like Batman is going to take this SUICIDE Mission…

Top Pick: Supergirl #1supergirl-1

As I wait patiently for the CW to add Supergirl to Hulu and Netflix, my only dose of Supergirl is
in the DC Rebirth. Having enjoyed the Supergirl Rebirth #11, I was excited to see where the story was going. This book follows Supergirl as she’s trying to figure out where she fits in. Certainly not at school, but as she’s not fully trained yet the D.E.O. and her foster parents want her not to rush out there as Supergirl without their authorization.

“Bullets bounce off you. But where do they go next?”

Supergirl’s foster parents try to connect with her by apparently learning Kryptonian. And putting up some Krytonian decorations at home. Which leads to Supergirl running away to create her own fortress of solitude. Oh wait, is that Cyborg Superman!?

What books are you reading currently? Are you enjoying the DC Rebirth? Drop us a comment and let us know your thoughts.