Maybe I got a little carried away this past month. I shook my fists and my voice bellowed as I angrily stroked the keyboard into a fury of console bashing. But the sun has come out and my outlook has changed. Perhaps the state of this console generation is not lost. Perhaps everything will be alright after all. So now here are my Top 5 reasons the Wii, PS3, and Xbox 360 don’t suck.
5)The Advent of the Casual Gamer
Now I know that this is often seen more as a negative than a positive, and I will admit that some things about casual game market can be frustratingly low quality. But thanks to the user friendly nature of titles such as Guitar Hero, more people than ever before are getting into video games. I’m of the opinion that any gaming is good gaming, and I love being able to share my hobby with more people than ever before. The bigger the industry gets the less “niche” it becomes and more quality products will come our way.
If you aren’t using Netflix on your console you are missing out. Netflix is absolutley wonderful and your console is the best place to stream movies. Thousands of movies are available at a moments notice. I don’t even need to write more. It’s awesome.
3)Fan Service
Now that the video game industry is firmly established we have a history of games to remember fondly. Retro gaming has never been bigger, with games being rereleased left and right on everything from the Nintendo DS to the PSN. Sony has even begun remaking PS2 classics in full hd. All of this is a wonderful benefit of being a gamer in the current generation. We are a big enough fan base to warrent re-releases.
2)Grander Games
With the massive install base of current day video games the studios are able to create games that rival movie’s in their sense of scope and scale, as well as their budget. The production value on games such as Halo:Reach, Call Of Duty, Mass Effect, or Uncharted 2 is every bit as good as a summer blockbuster.
1)Online Interaction
Gamers today have the ability to connect with other gamers in ways we never could have dreamed about before. You can talk to gamers in Idaho who have the same taste in video games that you do in San Diego. Your best friend who moved to California can play Halo with you all the way in North Carolina. This truly is a global age.
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