If not now, When?

Too many times we are held back by our ideas. I can’ts, I won’ts, and I couldn’ts block us from doing things that we really want to in this world.

Games give us a great learning tool of problem solving, they help us beef up our logic muscles and intuitive chops. The logic behind it is simple, You have a problem and you have the constraints of the world your job is to accomplish the goal of solving the problem.

I’m actually not going to talk about that process too in depth today, maybe next week. I am going to focus on the steps around the action. Doing it.

You have the plan and know what to do, why don’t you do it? Or more commonly, you don’t know what to do so you don’t do anything. As a rule I hate inactivity, so both situations are bitter to me.

Do you honestly think that Luke knew how to save the universe from the Dark Side? Mario was a plumber, but he has saved a kingdom several times. Fate doesn’t give a rip about what you are and what you can do, but what you can be or could do. If you don’t know what to do, doing nothing never helps the situation. Don’t blindly swing into the darkness (Or attack the Darkness), think about it for a second and act. Resolutions make themselves known in some way or shape, some are as simple as cleaning up your room to make yourself feel better. But you have to do something. Even if you do something wrong, you learned about how to work with the new knowledge.

Also, that whole death thing could happen. Not to draw attention to your mortality to make you feel disparaged, but to remind you don’t have unlimited lives. If you need to do something in this life, you need to do it before it ends. Procrastination doesn’t really work in this situation. I hate all the times I have looked back on my life and thought, “Man, I could have/should have done that”. Most of the times, you could have.

I know things can seem stacked against you, but incredible odds makes for Epic tales. So, go out and go after your quest, If not now, when?

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