Halloween is approaching, and that means it is time to play dress-up. With the popularity of gaming today it is a fairly common sight to see people dressed as their favorite video game characters. So here are my Top 5 Gaming Halloween Costumes.
5) Mario and Luigi

This has to go on the list just for popularity’s sake. Maybe it is a bit uninspired, but any time you see a fat short guy and a tall skinny guy walking around dressed like the Mario Brothers, you can’t help but get excited. Only people who go all out and actually grow mustaches for the costumes get high-fives from this guy though. None of that pansy fake mustache stuff.
4) Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong makes for a wonderful custume. Not only do you get to dress up like a gorrilla, you get to wear a tie. Also you can be like Dr. DM in the picture above and carry around a mini-keg as your “barrel.” That makes for a pretty great outfit. Also you can throw girls over your shoulder and challenge guys dressed like Mario to rescue her. Pure fun right there.
3) Something from Halo

This is a costume that might require a little more jury-rigging than your normal costume but, when it is pulled off well, it is really quite cool. Seeing someone walking around in makeshift Spartan armor or looking like an ODST is awesome. Plus if you don’t have the time to make armor, you have plenty of other options. Why not go as “the flood?” Sure everyone will think you are just a zombie, but you will know how awesome you really are.
2) Pikachu

Everyone loves Pikachu. Pikachu has been delighting fans of the series for years now. Pikachu also happens to be cute enough that parents want to dress their kids up like a little yellow socket for Halloween. It is a nice friendly costume that won’t get anyone upset and, hey, chicks dig Pikachu. Right? Please tell me I’m right or I just wasted some money…
1) Cardboard Robot
It’s a classic. Easily made out of things you have lying around the house, it is sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face. Show me a man who doesn’t love a good cardboard robot, and I will show you a man with no joy. Besides, when the robot overlords take over in a few years, you might be able to masquerade as a robot. Actually, they will probably scan you for things like a pulse and go from there but, hey, it’ll be worth a shot.
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