I Think We Have a Girl On Our Team…

Yes, here it comes.  That “girl” post, where I am supposed to rant and rave about how I’m treated while playing video games online.  Well, no, not really, because honestly, I love being a girl.  I have only been harassed a couple of times for being a girl (not including comments like my title), and quite honestly, who hasn’t been harassed at some point while playing video games?  Guys get the mom jokes, while girls get the sandwich jokes.

Seriously though, I have received a message saying, “Go back to the kitchen!” To which I responded, “To go get the sandwich you made me?”  Boys, boys, boys..anyway, here are some of the best things about being a gamer girl!

1. I get to feel extra great when I’m having a good day!

I have to admit, it felt wonderful receiving a message saying, “you go girl!” when I had an amazing round in Halo: Reach one day (+11 k/d ratio?  You bet!).  Or, when I used to play World of Warcraft and I would be constantly competing for the most damage during my guild raids.  While I have bad days, I have some really great ones as well and I love getting recognized for it.

2. I have the “girl” excuse when I’m having a bad day.

While it sucks, if I’m having a bad round, I can pull the “she’s just a girl, it’s okay!” excuse.  While it is not ideal, at least I don’t get ratted out like guys do.  I hear some pretty awful beat downs from time to time, and they are no fun.  I do occasionally get a “you suck because you’re a girl” line from time to time, but I know it could be worse.

3. I’m not that girlfriend that forces her boyfriend to get off the Xbox.

I believe I only did once, and that was because I wanted to play.

4. I get tough skin.

I work in customer service at Best Buy.  I need tough skin, and, while video games certainly aren’t the only factors that have gone into it, they have definitely helped.  I can stare calmly at people while they scream at me.  It’s pretty intense, actually.

5. It doesn’t hurt to be a nerdy girl in the guy department.

The last thing I want to do is brag, but I am pretty sure almost every so-called “nerdy” girl has found that it is much easier to find a good guy.  I have dated in both worlds, and I have definitely dated some jerks.  I have to say, I like the video game community of guys much better.  You guys are awesome (for the most part)!

6. Video games are fun!

Why wouldn’t people want to play video games?  I get to have so much fun, meet some amazing people, plus all of the above.  So guys, introduce your girlfriends to video games.  You never know, they may fall in love with them!  Plus, I need some more awesome girls to play with!

For the record:

I’m okay with female stereotypes — not all of them — but most of them.  Stereotypes are usually there with some fundamental reasoning, and while a lot go out of bounds, they are going to exist no matter what.  I’m happy to be labeled as a “gamer girl,” because I’m a gamer who is also a girl.  I embrace being a girl, just as guys embrace being guys.

What do you think about being a gamer girl and gamer girls in general?