Notice anything different? [Pixelated Geek 4.0]

Welcome to 2011 my fellow geeks and geekettes. Hope you all had a great weekend! I know that we geeks here at Pixelated Geek did.  Now that all the holidays are behind us, it’s time to get back to business.  For this new year, we have finally come out with a new version of the site.  We have worked hard to give you a better web experience while you troll. Go past the break for the list of new features.

Thanks again for being a Pixelated Geek fan and reader and keeping us going strong for two years and running.

Listen to Andrew and I as we officially launch PG4.


New Web Layout and Awesome graphics

We’ve fixed up the layout to help you go through our over 4,000 posts of content easier and faster. In the new layout you’ll notice that when you scroll down, that top bar follows you.  If you don’t like being stalked by our top bar, don’t be afraid.  Just click on that padlock icon at the top right and it shall follow you no longer (oh, and the search bar function is fixed too).

The new homepage featured post carousel has shrunk. We added extra boxes for our original content and a box for our videos. Also, we finally have some exciting site backgrounds. This part of the operation was all headed up by our Creative Director, Andrew P.

Faster Loading

Thanks to our bad-ass web developer, James M., and the power of HTML5/CSS3, each page loads faster than any web site version we’ve had. Want to see how effective his coding skills are? View the source of this page or check out his site.

New Sister Sites

We have met a couple of new friends from this past year, and some have actually joined our network.  Cinerina is a long time running movie review website that is run by a great gal that we met at the San Diego Comic Con.  She reviews movies and tells it like it is.  Film School, a new web series that just hit the net also stars our Director of Operations and Marketing, James H. Check it out.  Finally, She’s Got Game is a new gaming blog that is run by and written for women.  Stay tuned as we add more to the family.

Like it? Hate it? Have suggestions?

Just leave us a comment below!