Capcom Unveils Shadow Mode DLC for Marvel VS Capcom 3

Marvel VS Capcom 3 has yet to hit stores and already Capcom is rolling out announcements of upcoming downloadable content. While DLC should be no surprise, especially with the announcement of Jill Valentine and Shuma-Gorath being DLC characters a few months back, this particular DLC mode is probably not what many people expected to see….

Here Comes a New Challenger – Galactus Confirmed as Marvel VS Capcom 3 Final Boss

Here Comes a New Challenger – Galactus Confirmed as Marvel VS Capcom 3 Final Boss

If you’ve been following every single bit of Marvel VS Capcom 3 news since the game was announced last year, this next announcement may come as no surprise to you.  With the roster fully unveiled and DLC characters such as Jill Valentine and Shuma-Gorath announced, only one thing has remained concealed, or at least as…