Cause of PSN outage remains disputed after six days

Six days into the ongoing outages on the Playstation Network, the exact cause of the outage remains in dispute, and no one knows precisely when PSN will get back online. Sony spokesperson Satoshi Fukuoka has blamed an “external intrusion” into its system and announced that a “thorough investigation” was ongoing. While Sony pins the blame…

A Claptrap Style Proposal

Like most gamers, I start a relationship carefully, not showing my full geeky-nees until a few months in.  That wasn’t the case for Borderland and Gearbox fan Ben.  He had written to Gearbox, explaining that he and his girlfriend Tora loved playing through Borderlands.  Ben wondered if Gearbox could help him pop the question. [youtube][/youtube] Of course you can’t have an epic proposal video…