Portal 2 Can Have an Early Release, Just Play Some Games!

Some of you might have heard that Valve’s April Fools game sale, called the “Potato Sack”, had a bunch of Portal 2 messages and riddles hidden throughout all 13 indie games.  Well, gamers and geeks have been putting all the pieces together and it comes down to this: Portal 2 will release as early as we want, we just have to boot up GLaDOS.

A new website has just appeared with the name “GLaDOS@Home”.  On the page, there is a countdown and some status messages regarding GLaDOS’s boot up for the announced release of Portal 2.  However, there are also some bars showing CPU usage of the 13 games found in the Potato Sack.  It looks like the more and the longer people play the Potato Sack games, the less time it will take for GLaDOS to boot up.

You can bet that GLaDOS has her hands in each of the games.  Fellow PG writer Raul Valle mentioned that while playing Audiosurf today, GLaDOS interfered and changed the music.  Some of the games already had Portal-themed levels.  Truly, this weekend is going to be filled with Portal-related goodness.

If you are so inclined and haven’t purchased the Potato Sack yet, it is available on Steam for $38.72.  That might seem like a good chunk of money, but these are 13 excellent indie games including Super Meat Boy, Amnesia: The Dark Decent, The Killing Floor and BIT.TRIP BEAT.  You can also purchase each game on their own, ranging from $2.49 to $9.99 each.  For those of you whining, you have to admit that this was a clever marketing strategy.  Play games to get a game, what more could gamers ask for?

So, let’s get out there and give ourselves an early release date of the much-anticipated Portal 2.  It could be out any time now!