A Decade of Harry Potter

The Harry Potter series has had an enormous influence on people throughout the world, especially for those in their late teens and twenties. After ten years of movies and thirteen years of the books, the final page in the Harry Potter epic has been turned with the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2. This series has received an unprecedented level of fame and has made an irrevocable impact on modern society.

Though perhaps initially unintentional, Harry Potter‘s author J.K. Rowling has delivered a gift to the world. Through her books, many have found love, friendship, joy, and possibly even hope. Even those who do not enjoy the series seem to take something away from it, albeit a single character they have enjoyed or a portion of the story that holds some special meaning for them.

As a gesture of togetherness, community, and farewell to the continuity of this series please take a few moments to respond to the questionnaire below and share your answers with us. If you like, add questions of your own or ignore them all together and post how the Harry Potter series has made an impact on you. Invite your family and friends to share in a celebration of the magic of Harry Potter.

1. How old were you when you were first introduced to the series (books or films)

2. Who is your favorite character in the series and why?

3. Who is your least favorite character in the series and why?

4. Which book of the series is your favorite? Please explain why.

5. Which book of the series is your least favorite? Please explain why.

6. If you have not read the books do you plan to read them now that the movies are over?

7. What is your favorite house at Hogwarts?

8. What is your favorite spell in the series?

9. If you were a student at Hogwarts, what kind of pet would you want to have?

10. At what point was Snape’s true allegiance clear to you? Be honest.

11. Was there a casting choice with which you had an issue in the movies? Please elaborate and name an alternate actor and describe why your casting would have been a better choice.

12. Did you prepare for the final movie with a HP movie marathon?

13. Did you dress up for the final movie? If so, share a pic if you like.

14. Has this series had a major impact on your life? Please share how.

15. What are your thoughts regarding what we learn about Dumbledore in the last book and last two movies? Did it help or hurt the series in your opinion?

16. What do you think of the penultimate chapter or scenes of the books or the movies?

17. What do you think of the epilogue of the books or movies?

18. Was there anything that you felt was left unresolved; if so what?

19. If additional books were to come out (highly unlikely, but let us pretend) relating to the Harry Potter world, what would you be most interested in reading about?

20. If you could say something to J.K. Rowling regarding the series, what would it be?