New Details Released for God of War: Ascenscion

Sony has released new details for their upcoming title God of War: Ascension. So far, it looks like more of the same.

Set six months after Kratos’ murder of his family, Ascension covers our favorite psychopath’s attempt to escape from a Titan-constructed prison and his own blood oath to Ares, battling some of the darkest creatures of Greek myth. The theme of the game’s plot is evidently (once again) Kratos’ quest for redemption – “unlike previous releases, we’re providinga deeper look into Kratos’ tormented past and psyche that fans have not seen before,” according to director Todd Papy.

And – and here’s the weird kicker – it’ll have four-to-eight-person multiplayer.

This last announcement gets a bit of a raised eyebrow. Kratos’ futile quest for redemption and yet another epiphany negated by the omnicidal mania we all know is in Kratos’ future are nothing new; they’re the closest thing to series constants. But multiplayer? In a spectacle fighter? That’s a new and unusual challenge.

Credit to Gematsu for the information and image; check their article on the announcement for more detailed information.