Playstation 4 is a step in the right direction, but doesn’t have games

Playstation 4 is a step in the right direction, but doesn’t have games

Ladies and Gentlemen the next generation of gaming consoles is here. On November 15th, 2013, we were officially introduced to the Playstation 4 gaming console. With the advent of this new system, there are a few things we should ask ourselves: How is the control? How is the Home Screen? What about the games? Is…

Movie Issues: Frozen

Movie Issues: Frozen

It could be argued that most Disney Animated Features could be Broadway musicals, but it’s been a while since we’ve seen one like Frozen, where you can see the show that it’s destined to be. With massive female empowerment for mothers and daughters, Disney smartly packaged this to hit all the right marks it’s supposed…

Comic Issues #146 – Add This Podcast to Your Wishlist
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Comic Issues #146 – Add This Podcast to Your Wishlist

You can listen to this episode on our Comic Issues channel at! The darkest day of the year is nigh upon us, a day where inhuman savages wait under the cover of twilight to pillage poor peddlers of their goods. It’s Black Friday and the Christmas shopping season has begun with its usual insanity….