The Best 50 Cosplay of 2013

Cosplay has easily been the biggest growing aspect of geekdom in the last 5 years. Every major convention seems to compete with the past one as every costume seems to be better than the last. The popularity of Cosplay has reached TV, uplifted the geek community, and has given confidence to some people to be more outgoing and open. Cosplayers represent the truest geeks in all of us.  Their passion for geek culture and desire to express it is so strong they literally are wearing it on their sleeve.

This year has been our biggest ever when it comes to conventions and has taken over a thousand pics of all kinds of cosplayers dressed as everything from Batman to Zombie Scooby-Doo.  Geeks of all ages and sexes are dressing up and getting more and more creative as they do it. Below is my top 50 favorite cosplays of 2013. From amazing costumes, deep character cuts, and pure fun; these geeks are their own great reason to go to the Cons.