Review – Batman Brave and The Bold – Blu Ray

When I was growing up my introduction to Batman wasn’t a dark or broody character. He was very campy and helping the Scooby Doo Gang solve mysteries, or chilling out with his Super Friends. Granted, as I was growing up, so was the character of Batman, into that dark character that I love today. The point is it was a gradual transition.

Enter, the series “Batman: Brave and the Bold,” where Batman is more campy but altogether fun. It felt quite refreshing to see Batman like this. The question is, how does the series hold up? What kind of Batman is “Brave and the Bold?”

While there are a few stories that connect, generally there isn’t a centralized plot. If you haven’t watched an episode of “Batman: Brave and the Bold” yet, it’s a team-up series. It’s also a great way to introduce the younger audience into a much larger (pre-New 52) universe. What makes the series truly special is the amount of deep cuts from the DC Universe they pull. Each episode generally involves a villain from the DC Universe, and Batman needs some assistance taking them down. There are some pretty amazing team-ups, including my personal favorite with SPACE GHOST!!!! Oh, and did I mention the writing is epic? Batman often has these amazing monologues  (very “The Tick”) that truly are heart-warming and fun. Oh, and the witty banter will leave you with a smile.
One of my favorite things about this series was the animation style. The show has a very blocky look to it that is really fun to watch. Even better is seeing all the other DC Super Heroes making an appearance in this style. With Batman’s arsenal you can see a 60’s Batman inspiration mixed with a comic book style. On the Blu-Ray it looks stunning. Everything is very bright and colorful and just pops off the screen. That and the line art is super clean. Watching the series in HD made me truly appreciate the artwork that was involved with this series.
Okay, the voice acting on this show is A+. Dedric Bater as Batman is one of the most amazing things to listen to. His dialogue is absolutely hysterical at times, while there are a few lines that bring you back to what Batman stands for. Aquaman was also a complete treat as he’s so royal that he’ll make you smile. Everyone on this show just hits it perfectly. The music to the show was also something special, as I never skipped the theme song. Oh, and speaking of music, Neil Patrick Harris shows up for the Music Meister and there is a sort of musical episode in there.
This series is truly amazing, and something for everyone. That being said you have to let your Batman guard down and just smile. It’s a show more geared to a younger demographic but it’s truly a love letter to Batman and the pre-New 52 DC Universe.