PXL Plays! Heroes of the Storm

We want to play Heroes of the Storm with you!

PXL Plays! is a weekly Twitch.TV stream of the latest, greatest, and most topical games. Every Thursday night at 10:00pm EST/7:00pm PST, The PXL Plays! Crew bring you a combination of game-play, analysis, critique and comedy – and this week, we’re inviting you to join in with us!

The PXL Plays! Crew will be diving into the open beta for Blizzard’s Heroes of the Storm, and I know I speak for all of us when I say we’d dearly love to play it with you!  If you have access to Heroes of the Storm, great! Send an email with your pertinent information to social@pixelatedgeek.com and we’ll make sure to shoot you an invitation this Thursday at 10:00pm EST/7:00pm PST! If not, we’ve secured a number of codes for the Heroes of the Storm beta and we’d be happy to send them over to you! Just leave a comment on this post, or contact us via our Facebook, Twitter, G+ and we’ll make sure you have a code for the beta!

PXL Plays!

In the year that the PXL Plays! Twitch.TV live-stream has been active, we’ve brought you both the biggest and best of the AAA titles, and the rarest and most brilliant of indie gems, and done so in a fun and friendly format. Extrapolating the philosophy behind PXL Plays!, we’ve decided that we want to involve the community as deeply as possible, and that means we want to play with you!

Over the last few weeks we’ve specifically selected free-to-play titles and best-sellers, in the hope of opening up PXL Plays! to as wide a community as possible. We’re dedicated to continuing this practice, and to opening up as much in the way of pre-release alpha and beta software to the community as possible. We’re really excited about interacting with our community, and we hope to see you this Thursday on Heroes of the Storm and at Twitch.TV!

Heroes of the Storm

If you’re not familiar with Heroes of the Storm, the following trailer does a great job of familiarizing you with the basics. In short, Heroes is a MOBA – or Multi-player Online Battle Arena – the genre to which League of Legends and DOTA 2 belong. Heroes is Blizzard’s first official foray into the genre, though the MOBA’s origins lay with Aeon of Strife, and Defense of the Ancients which were community mods of Blizzard’s StarCraft and WarCraft III, respectively. Part of what makes Heroes of the Storm so exciting is that the development titan is bringing its full weight to bear on a genre it inadvertently laid groundwork for, but never entered in an official capacity.


We hope you’re as excited about diving into Heroes of the Storm as we are, and we hope to see you this Thursday at 10:00pm EST/7:00pm PST!