My theories and speculations are based on the Sherlock SDCC 2016 Hall H panel, the interwebs and my crazy head of thoughts of what I think should happen.
The SDCC 2016 Sherlock panel was filled full of laughs and gasps. In attendance were Benedict Cumberbatch (Sherlock), Mark Gatiss (Mycroft/Writer), Stephen Moffat (Writer), Sue Vertue (Producer) and Amanda Abbington (Mary Watson).
Let me just start by saying that Stephen Moffat is a big troll and he knows it and loves it. Moffat made us question every second of every episode of season 3. With that being said, my favorite quote of the panel was from Mr. Moffat.
“You guys thought that The Abominable Bride was a one off. You thought that because I lied and told you it was.”
Cased closed. Troll status: KING.
No matter how much Chris Hardwick tried to get the panel to spill the beans about Season 4 it just didn’t happen. How do these actors and writers do it? Knowing that, come January 2017, there are gonna be hearts breaking everywhere. So far we know they are going to break us, we just don’t know the how, the who or the why.
At one point Benedict Cumberbatch said, “Sherlock has two addictions. His arch enemy and drugs.” Let’s hope that Sherlock isn’t high again. I am not sure that John’s blood pressure can take it. Or my heart.
I think that the best question ever asked by a fan during a Hall H panel was asked by a woman who must be the smartest gal ever. She simply asked, “What is the first line each of you say in Season 4.” WOW. I have never seen so many secret-keeper, heartbreaker’s mouths gape open so fast. They all mumbled, “wows” and “ohs.” Then they leaned in to each other questioning each other if they could even say the lines because it might give too much away. The crowd started cheering and what seemed like a week Mark Gatiss said, “Oh Sherlock.” Amanda Abbington stated that she just points her index finger at someone. Benedict Cumberbatch said, “That is a really good question but I cannot answer.” It’s ok, Darling. I still love you.
Moffat and Gatiss did say that the episodes do not have keywords but the three episodes have three key names. They are Thatcher, Smith and the third is Sherrinford. OH. MY. What the hell does that mean? Were these given in a particular order? Chris Hardwick even added that, “Surely Moffat wouldn’t disappoint all the beautiful fans.” He didn’t even make it all the way through that sentence before he laughed.

I have listened to my poor quality audio recording of the panel several times trying to pick up something that I might have missed that may mean something, because I have no life. Seriously. My reactions in the recording to what was happening were hilarious. Do I always sound that goofy? Probably.
They did drop the Official Sherlock Season 4 trailer during the Hall H Panel. It was awesome. All 6500 of us were left wanting more. So they played it a second time. In case you haven’t seen it, here ya go.
So here are some of my speculations, theories, “oh my gawwd I don’t want that to happen” and other nonsense:
Someone very important is going to die.
This is a very serious thing because it will happen but we aren’t sure who. In the original Arthur Conan Doyle books Mary Watson dies. It makes me question that her character will die in Season 4 because there were set photos of Mary, but also Moffat knows the Sherlock fans wouldn’t be shocked by her death because it is in the books. Moffat isn’t happy unless we are crying and dying so that might not happen. So, it makes me wonder who will die? As a Sherlolly shipper I would just freak out if it is Molly Hooper. I can’t even think about that right now. There are enough Sherlolly fans that her death would cause a tremendous reaction. I, for one would be a hot mess. More than usual. My next theory is that it could be John Watson. I mean the name of the show is Sherlock. Not, Sherlock and Watson or any variation of that. Did all the Johnlock shippers pass out? Continue on after you are awake again. This leads me to my second topic.
Is Season 4 the last season?
I think if John is the person that dies then the series will definitely be ending. We do have two of the busiest actors as the two main characters. It has been almost three years since the last season aired because of that. Would ending the series be better than have three years between seasons? Uh, NO! I would hope at some point Moffat would tire of breaking our hearts. Also, there was a strange number of #setlock photos on Instagram of crew members and cast (the ones that have Instagram) with messages of, “Season 4 has wrapped,” “I will miss working with you,” “It has been a pleasure to work with you,” etc. It’s like they know something we don’t know. Damn them.
Why is Sherlock sporting the scruffy look in the Season 4 trailer?
Yes, please tell me why. Damn him. He better not be shooting up again. He is in his suit and coat and scruffy. This combination makes me think he is working the case of his life and doesn’t take the time to shave and bathe. Also, during the trailer, the look on his scruffy face of shock or horror or whatever that look means is a teaser for something that we are all not prepared for. I am not really prepared for ANYTHING that might be causing that look. Is Sherringford making an appearance? Did Molly betray him? Did Mycroft betray him? Did someone die? Did someone betray him AND die? UGHHHHHH.
What in the hell did Mycroft do that made Hudders call him a reptile?
I don’t know for sure, but he should be scared. I mean her husband was drug lord. Even though she “only did the books” I am sure she knows people.
The heart of the matter
It’s no secret I read a crap ton of fan fiction and write some stories too. I am praying to King Troll Moffat that we have some sort of moment when Sherlock admits he loves someone! Molly, John, who cares! I would really like some kissing and smut, but that probably won’t happen. OOOhhhh. Maybe the reason he has that horrified look on his face is that he realizes he does love someone. Nah, that would make it too happy and fun. Unless, he realizes that and then the person dies. Wow. I need to go watch something mushy and eat something sweet because my thoughts are way dark. Like Moffat.
I could speculate for days and will probably have another post of speculations, cause this show consumes me. But for now, I leave you with a visually pleasing video that I found on youtube.
hiddlebatch96 has taken clips from all the actors, different movies and made a Season 4 “trailer”
Enjoy. Get the tissue. Kill me now
Can you guys put some thoughts in the comments or email me and let me know what you think Season 4 will bring? I am always up for a little conspiracy and love to know that I am not the only one that makes crap up in my head.
Ta for now.