Review: Shin Godzilla / Godzilla Resurgence

Review: Shin Godzilla / Godzilla Resurgence

It would seem that I’m the target market for Godzilla films. I love old school Sentai (Power Rangers), Kamen Rider and Big Robo Anime. While I’ve tried various films, I’ve just never really been into Godzilla (or Godzooki,) though I’m familiar with the character and his adversaries. Then I started to hear the rumblings all over…


Lost in Sci-Fi: Episode 34: Alien Abductions

You can listen to this episode on our Lost In Sci-Fi channel at! This week Elizabeth and Leland talk about the Alien Abductions. Are they real? Have people been taken? What’s with the anal probe? They talk about landmark cases that have happened, their own fears about aliens and get into some demon possession chit…