Review – Allied

By guest columnist Narrator26.

This week saw Robert Zemeckis’ Allied land to mixed reviews from both critics and audiences alike. Considering the highly impressive and hugely influential CV of the underrated Oscar-winner, this return must be considered a disappointment as I, too, found Allied to be a missed opportunity.

With a one-note Brad Pitt struggling next to the excellent Marion Cotillard, Allied‘s misjudged central pairing essentially represents the film as a whole: excellent on paper, but sadly lacking in chemistry and engagement.

The less than subtle nods to films gone by are pretty and admirable, but like 2006’s The Good German, Allied is further proof that ambitious homage projects can fall flat when they spend too much time winking at the camera rather than focus on their own story. It’s a pity because while the plot structure and hook are in place, it’s the meandering pace and sluggish editing that let it down.

Still, for fans of the early years of cinema (particularly the 1940s), there is much to enjoy in the film’s visuals as the costume and production design are gorgeous. If a slow burning Hollywood homage appeals to you, go see Allied with low expectations. If not, I’d advise staying clear. Not terrible by any means, but still firmly last in Zemeckis’ superb live-action filmography for me. Thoughts?

Narrator26 is a movie reviewer and film addict, you can find more of his spoiler-free reviews on his feed here.