For the fourth year Pixelatedgeek got to attend DesignerCon in Pasadena! See below for a huge photo gallery of designer toys, sculptures, prints, and a ton of art that just defies description!
(We’ve tried to credit the artist in each photo, but if you spot an artist we missed or mis-labeled please shout out in the comments!)
There were ups and downs this year at the convention. The ups: jawdroppingly amazing art, more of it than ever before, filling to capacity three huge rooms of the convention center. The downs: oh my dear sweet lord the line to get inside. Tempers were short as people waited over an hour after buying tickets just to get in the door. But first of all: it was totally worth it, the artwork inside just floored us. And second: the organizers must have known for some time that the convention is officially too big for the Pasadena Center, because next year the whole convention moves to Anaheim.
We’ll miss heading up to Pasadena, that’s a beautiful city and a great Convention Center. But we’re looking forward to Anaheim!