A Conversation about Pacific Rim: Uprising (small spoilers)

Jada: That was the fastest two hour movie I’ve ever watched.

Elizabeth: I’m exhausted!

Jada: I feel like I just got done with a Zumba class.

Elizabeth: I’m worn out but really peaceful and happy.

Jada: I almost thought the movie wasn’t going to end where it ended, I thought there was more and I’m like “no this has to be the end.”

Elizabeth: “No more movie I’m tired!”

Jada: “I keep forgetting to breathe and I’m going to pass out!”

Elizabeth: “Everything needs to be dead now!”

Jada: The robots in this one are way cooler than the Michael Bay ones. These look realistic and useful, the Bay ones are just too pretty.

Elizabeth: I wouldn’t say pretty but I think the Bay ones have way too many moving parts. These robots are how the Transformers SHOULD have looked.

Jada: I loved Gypsy. Just a great hunk of metal.

Elizabeth: Saber Athena was my favorite, she looked awesome.

Jada: Feminine, but badass. As feminine as a thirty story tall robot can be I guess.

Elizabeth: The way they moved was so fun to watch. And the weapons! Like the Arc Whip and the Gravity Flail, that was so cool.

Jada: They’re these giant robots and they move so slowly and stomp all over, but somehow the fight scenes almost looked like a dance.

Elizabeth: I loved the giant Jaeger looking down at the little robot, he was all “….really?”

Jada: One of my favorite characters was definitely Amara, she was just badass with Scrapper.

Elizabeth: Yes! Or “not-Bumblebee” as I’m calling him, because he looked a lot like him, except WAY cooler. I loved how he transformed into that rolling ball.

Jada: When I saw that I thought “That’s going to come in handy later on in this movie.”

Elizabeth: And it did!

Jada: You know, when Shao had her hair down later on in the movie I was confused, I didn’t know which character she was, is that bad?

Elizabeth: No, she looked completely different. But she had to have her hair down because she went from ambiguous bad guy to might-be-good guy and if you do that you have to wear your hair down. I’m sure that’s a law.

Jada: Right, like someone getting killed so someone else can be inspired to fight harder.

Elizabeth: Oh of course.

Jada: It sure was a diverse movie.

Elizabeth: Wow, yeah, even just among the group of kids.

Jada: And as young as everybody was the acting was still really really good.

Elizabeth: And good looking. Amara’s friend, the young guy who got his arm burned, he was all kinds of pretty.

Jada: Not as pretty as Boyega though.

Elizabeth: John set the bar pretty high. You know, when I first heard that Scott Eastwood would be in the movie I thought he’d be the lead. Was that the plan until everybody realized John Boyega is a way better main character?

Jada: I don’t think they ever cast him as the lead, he’s definitely a supporting role person.

Elizabeth: Oh in this movie definitely, but I haven’t seen him in anything else.

Jada: I don’t think Scott has that “bring all the people to the movie” quality. Was he in that Nicholas Sparks movie about a diary or something?

Elizabeth: I think that was somebody else.

Jada: Probably. I was distracted by how fucking hot John Boyega is. And he’s such a good actor. And he’s only 26!

Elizabeth: I love his accent. And how he made fun of Scott Eastwood’s character.

Jada: He really does a good Scott Eastwood impersonation.

Elizabeth:You know one of the only problems I had with the movie? They only used the badass theme song once. And they used it in the wrong place! You heard it when two people are standing there looking at a clipboard! They should’ve used it when the robots are going into battle that one time, but what do they use? That stupid Mr. Trololo video. They should’ve been playing the badass theme song for 90% of the movie.

Jada: Ha! Agreed. Maybe they didn’t want to take away from the beauty and grandeur of the machines. Maybe?

Elizabeth: Maybe? I didn’t have any complaints about the rest of the sound, wow.

Jada: I loved the world they were in, where it’s been ten years but they haven’t finished cleaning things up yet.

Elizabeth: Yeah, high tech future pretty and post apocalypse gritty. Living in an abandoned mansion with a giant monster skeleton in your yard.

Jada: I could definitely tell the difference with Guillermo del Toro as a producer as opposed to the original with him as a director.

Elizabeth: Yeah, as weird as this one got it wasn’t nearly as weird as the first one, that one had the whole subplot with Ron Perlman which was all kinds of odd.

Jada: Speaking of odd, are we going to spoil the bit with the brain in his bedroom?

Elizabeth: Well I’m dancing around some of the biggest spoilers but I have to mention him and the alien brain in the tank because WHAT THE HELL?

Jada: Well he is a bit eccentric.

Elizabeth: I saw that happen and I’m like “wait, is this just supposed to be funny, or weird, or have we just been given an important piece of information?”

Jada: I thought he was going to walk in there and find out Shao had killed his wife, because she’d been threatening him, and when he was talking to someone in the other room no one was answering. But he walks in there and there’s the thing in the tank and I’m thinking “I have no idea what to do with any of this.”

Elizabeth: And then later when we find out what’s going on with him it took me completely by surprise even though they told us something wasn’t right.

Jada: I didn’t trust Burn Gorman’s character because he’s always playing somebody shady. But I loved him as Dr. Gotlieb. All that science talk was hot.

Elizabeth: Especially since there’s that weird tension-but-not-tension between him and Newton, I’m like “JUST KISS ALREADY.”

Jada: Yes! I ship them.

Elizabeth: I actually ship Scott Eastwood and John Bodega but only if Scott’s girlfriend in the movie is there too. It’s all of them or nothing.

Jada: Woo! Sexy. I am sure that is going to be a fan favorite all around.

Elizabeth: And there has to be ice cream toppings as well.

Jada: I loved the ice cream scene!

Elizabeth: With all the sprinkles!

Jada: John Boyega my spirit animal. He is the king of delivery with his cheeky comments. His timing is amazing. I bet, as an actor, it is so easy to work with him. You know, with my years and years of acting experience. HA!

Elizabeth: Years of movie-watching experience! Totally counts!

Jada: But seriously, he was contaminating all that ice cream.

Elizabeth: He put his whole hand in there!

Jada: This is the second movie where someone’s contaminated the ice cream I am not okay with this.

Elizabeth: It was still adorable though. And when he opens the fridge and there’s all the whipped cream in there.

Jada: Yes! With beer too.

Elizabeth: Oh man: ice cream, beer, and John Boyega. That’s all I need right there.

Jada: Agreed.




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