WonderCon 2018 – Cosplay Gallery #4: The Instagramming

My friend Jada says it’s her job at conventions to try and keep me from walking into things while I’m instagramming, I’m a little addicted. (To anyone reading this: I apologize for bumping into you while I was deciding between the Juno or Lo-Fi filter. You were really nice about it.)

See below for all the filtered-half-to-death photos (because the filters are half the fun) I took at WonderCon this year, and for even more Instagram goodness check out the feeds from all the PG people, we’ve got links after the gallery.


And here’s all those Instagram links: @binarysystempod, @mypixelatedgeek, @dejecacion, @pen_f_mono, @very_ari, @llyzabeth, @sthrngrlsrck, and @lelandp13 were all at WonderCon this year! And for more PG crew fun, follow @fandragonadams, @capn_slack, @stephuhnoids, @jordanisabear, and @theblockmonkey!