Review – Transformers Lost Light #17

So between last issue and this issue we found out that the Unicron event this summer will be the end of Lost Light, along with every other Transformers storyline at IDW. Transformers will continue, IDW still has the license, but all the current stories will wrap up and there will be a full reboot and I’M NOT CRYING YOU’RE CRYING.

James Roberts has implied it’s not a cancellation (Alex Milne chimed in on that thread as well) so I’m trying to think positively about the future of Transformers at IDW. (And if anyone has insight as to why it’s happening, please shout out in the comments. We’ve got tons of speculation that we scraped up off the floor of various forums, but no solid facts.)

ANYWAY. The very good news is that the current storylines will all have more than enough time to wrap up, so we’ll get a satisfying ending for our favorite characters. Who, as of last issue, are in heaven? Read on for the recap of Lost Light #17.

(Very very mild spoilers below. Mostly teases. I won’t mind if you’d rather read the issue first and then come back here.)

We pick up where we left off, the moment where Rodimus demanded an audience with the gods and KABLAMMO was zapped out of the frame. (And Swerve’s comment, upon hearing that Rodimus was hit by lightning, is another one of those lines that makes me wonder how long James Roberts has been waiting to use it.)

We get a few answers this issue, but a lot more questions. And no, everything isn’t wrapped up. And while an awful lot of our favorite bots would like to accept that this really is heaven, I’m still not buying it. Ratchet’s on my side, even if Drift has to be sarcastic about it.

“Well, I’m still not convinced.”
“And the award for least surprising statement goes to…”

Rodimus is on my side too, but Rodimus is in such a state of denial that not even talking to a pantheon of Cybertronian gods is going to convince him, because Getaway is not going to win.

I did like all the mythology we got to hear this issue. It’s a lot deeper than in the original Transformers book, which was basically “And verily did Primus create us and then went to sleep to hide us from Unicron for all time until some idiot accidentally shot him in the face and woke him the hell up praise Hasbro forever and ever amen.” (I’m paraphrasing, it’s been a while since I read those issues.)

But in the end, this is supposed to be heaven. The ultimate happiness for everyone. So how would Brainstorm define happiness? Or Ultra Magnus? Cyclonus? Nightbeat? Nautica?

A little tease for you: it’s not always a Conjunx Endura. But it sometimes is.

And why would Nautica’s happiness be important?

The ending set us up brilliantly for next issue. Unless it’s one of those times where the story skips back to the Lost Light or Earth or something. In which case, it sets us up for, I don’t know, June?

And I can’t say anything about Jack Lawrence’s art and Joana Lafuente’s colors that I haven’t said a million times before: excellent work. (I especially liked Primus, who’s helmet looks like a cross between an Egyptian Pharaoh and Thor, which I didn’t know until now would work as well as it does.) Beautifully done, and the expressions were the best. Seriously, you can draw a fight scene or a dramatic pose like a pro (and they do) but it doesn’t win with me if you mess up the faces (and they don’t.)

Whatever happens to Transformers after the Unicron event, I hope like hell all the creators I love are still creating it.