Binary System Podcast Fanart Roundup – Tumblr edition

Due to the recent Tumblr ban of all adult content (and all the snafus with the algorithm flagging posts by mistake) a lot of artists are heading out for greener pastures. This may or may not be the end for the platform, so just in case, here’s a fanart roundup featuring pieces we first found on Tumblr.

Operation: Safeguard, from shokveyv.


Ship in a bottle, from tardiswonderland.


Sleeping Loki on the Throne, from tellmeonemore.


Dragons and the Distant Prince, Night Vale fanart, from hisclockworkservants.


Mirage, from dailydurian and krinsyn.


Star Wars, Lackadaisy-style, from Lackadaisy.


Shattered Glass Optimus, from lantana0v0.


Nautica and Chromia, from herzspalter.


Thundercracker, by parcivale via erutalon.

Judy Hopps, from emotionalsinusoide.


Cheetara, by emotionalhooligan via 80scartoons.


Shattered Glass Starscream, from ldnaiuke.