Binary System Podcast #186 – Storytime

You can listen to this episode on our Binary System Podcast channel at!

Back on episode 182 we talked about the Night Vale Presents Podcast “Start With This,” and mentioned the creators assigned the listeners two homework projects: write one story that you destroy immediately, and one story that you share with everybody. To the surprise of everyone, including ourselves, we actually did both.

(Finishing an assignment? Has Binary System been taken over by Pod People?? Hang on, did they finally watch How To Train Your Dragon 3? No? Then this was just a fluke.)

Listen in as we each read aloud the two-minute story we wrote about birds, and what we think they’re thinking. And, because we never can keep to one subject, we also talk Neon Genesis Evangelion, the dubbing in Howl’s Moving Castle, and Max Gladstone’s Empress of Forever.

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This week’s outro music is a clip from Above All the Chaos by TeknoAXE.

This is the poem Elizabeth liked from the Performance Poetry Podcast.

Here’s that Star Trek Enterprise April Fool’s Day story Kathryn and Elizabeth wrote together yeeeeaaaars ago.


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