SDCC 2019 – Interview with Tyler Bleszinski of “Transformers: Galaxies”

This September we’ll be getting a brand new anthology series from IDW – Transformers: Galaxies. The first four-part story will focus on the original combiner team, the Constructicons.

At this year’s San Diego Comic-Con we had a chance to sit down with writer Tyler Bleszinski to talk about why he wanted to write this story, why the Transformers, and specifically the Constructicons, are so important to him, and what we can expect from the series.


After we turned off the cameras we talked with Tyler a little more; I always like the little conversations you have with people after the recording’s over, everybody’s more relaxed when they don’t have a camera in their face. Lucky for me, the backup recording was still going, so I caught a little of the conversation.


Tyler: There’s so much to learn from seeing them in action, seeing them do what they do, even if it’s just as much as them building something. To me, that was the was the coolest thing about the Constructions. I always thought, man, they’re like these builder bots, they should really be Autobots. How did they become Decepticons? And then the cartoon…I don’t know if you followed the cartoon..

Elizabeth: It was the one with Omega Supreme, right?

Yes, the cartoon basically swept it away because Megatron had a Robosmasher that brainwashed them. I mean…really?

It takes it away from them.

There’s no choice! As much as I loved that episode because the Constructicons are featured so prominently, I always hated that aspect of it, that they didn’t make a choice to do what they did, they were forced into it. And while there’s there’s an aspect of them being forced into certain things here too, it’s choices that they make to bring them there.


The thing I loved about the old IDW series was when they showed how Megatron became Megatron. In the cartoon the Decepticons were bad bad bad, evil evil evil, the Autobots heroic, awesome, incredible, The Best. And when I read the IDW series that featured Megatron being a miner, and then wising up to rebel against the bourgeois Autobot senate, I was like “Damn, finally somebody gets it, there should be layers here! Like Walter White or Tony Soprano, that should be Megatron!” Not like, cookie cutter villain.


I don’t even like humans in my Transformers…

(This is the point where I slapped the table and gave him the finger point of “YES SIR YOU GET IT.”)


I love the Constructicons unlike anything else, I mean I have…

(At this point he placed a wallet, a credit card case, and his phone on the table, and they ALL have Constructicons on them. I have proof! I took a picture!)



Transformers: Galaxies kicks off in September 2019. (…apparently there’s a slight chance of that being August, we’ll let you know…)