Sparkle Kitty Board Game Review

Sparkle Kitty is a really fun game where each player chooses a princess who has been stuck in a tower. The cards have silly and obnoxious words in them like Boo-Boo, Fairy, and Glitter. The goal of the game is to escape the tower by removing tower cards to release your fun princess.

On your turn you have three choices: 1) play a card into the spell book, 2) play a dark magic card next to your princess or 3) pass on your turn and draw a card. Like Uno, you match colors and symbols to each pile in the spell book to keep the game moving along. When you play a card, you must say the spell you have just cast, such as “Glitter Vortex”. If you forget, you make Sparkle Kitty angry and then she will add cards to your tower.  If you forget to say the spell and you get called out on it by another player, again cards will be placed on to your tower. So pay attention.

There are a few special moves cards that give you an added advantaged to your hand to get your tower down faster:  Rainbow, Fudge and Infinite cards. Each does a different thing, but each can change the game drastically in the favor of the player who plays the hand.


The game is really fun and quick. Friends and family will have a great time saying funny spells like “Snuggle Ducky” or “Fabulous Bear” as you try to save your princess. It’s fast paced, full of humor and well thought out. Over all 5 out of 5.


Game: Sparkle*Kitty
Game Designer: Manny Vega
Princess Illustrator: Leah Artwick
Publisher: Breaking Games
Price: $19.99

Players: 3-8
Duration: 30 minutes
Ages: 6+
Time to Learn: 5 minutes