Review – Harleen #2

…They dream of violence. Shivering with barely suppressed rage, brimming with righteous indignation.
Smiling politely as they imagine savage things…

Keep reading for a review of Harleen #2.

(Spoilers below!)

Harvey Dent has a major part in this issue (we knew he’d transform eventually, but I really liked getting to see the moment it happened), we meet up with Commissioner Gordon, and we get a couple appearances of Batman (once when he sidesteps a question about whether or not the Joker could ever be saved, and a beautiful two-page spread where he and Robin swoop in to the rescue) but it’s definitely Harleen and Mr. Jay’s story, about what a really bad idea it is to spend time with him.

In a rare quiet moment the Joker talks about how much an honest smile means to him (it’s way less cheesy than I just made it sound) and because she’s letting him in her head, Harleen starts second guessing every time she gives someone a smile.

She dreams about the monsters that the Joker says live in every person who’s been pushed too far, and stops listening to the criminals she’s interviewing for her study because she can’t focus. She continues to self-medicate (we find out she’s not really fooling anyone about that) and takes her unhealthy coping skills to the next level: she sneaks into the detention area to watch the Joker sleep.

Her slide to rock bottom is at the very beginning, but it’s moving faster.

I can’t really say anything about Stjepan Šejić’s art that I haven’t already said many times. Sometimes it’s impressive on a big, splashy level (the image of Ivy as she’s wondering whether her abilities have changed is flat-out gorgeous) but even the subtle moments are amazing. I love the pose he’s drawn of Harleen as she’s trying to relax, there’s so much going on there: her head’s back but you can see the tension in her forehead, she’s slouched in her chair but her toes are digging into the cushion, and while she doesn’t have a death grip on her drink, she’s certainly not going to drop it either.

I also like the sarcastic thumbs up she gives later on; the set of her mouth is shorthand for “I know everybody always wants the answer to “how are you” to be “fine.” Even when it’s really, really not fine.”

I’m so glad we get another huge issue after this one, and at the same time I’m thinking “we only get one more!? It’s not enough!!” I guess that’s the kind of problem you want to have.