Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Blu-Ray Review

The final film in the Skywalker Saga, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, is currently available digitally, and comes to Blu-Ray, DVD and 4k on March 31st. This review is of the Blu-Ray/Digital Multi-Screen Edition, which gives fans access to the film in high-definition and disc and digital, along with all the great bonus features.

In the galaxy far, far away the drama hasn’t stopped since we last checked in on our heroes. As the Resistance tries to do everything in its power to stop the rise of the First Order, they have learned that the great evil that was Emperor Palpatine has returned, and has been the unseen puppet master manipulating Kylo Ren for years without his knowledge. Needing to defeat Rey is the key for the dark side. Destroy the light and the balance will be fully restored to the dark, giving way to a new and more dangerous Empire. But the Resistance won’t go down without a fight. The mysterious connection between Rey and Kylo Ren grows stronger as they begin to work towards a similar goal. Working together they realize that only they can defeat Palpatine and save the galaxy.

Thus, ending the 40-year Skywalker saga with bang; wrapping up most story threads, welcoming back returning characters, saying goodbye to old friends, giving way too much fan service, and stopping the forces of evil for good. The endless debate over whether this was a good Star Wars movie or not will be discussed at every nerd table for the next 40 years. But until that debate ends at least we can watch the movie in this really cool edition that comes out on March 31st.

Bonus Features

  • The Skywalker Legacy(2:06:11) –  This feature-length documentary chronicles the behind-the-scenes process of bringing the Skywalker saga to a close. You’ll get to see the painstaking process to make as much of the film as possible with practical, in-camera effects juxtaposed against footage of George Lucas making the original trilogy. Key talking points including making Episode IX Leia’s film without Carrie Fisher, coordinating the stunts, the character progression of Rey and Kylo Ren, the return of Palpatine, Anthony Daniels playing C-3P0 in all nine films, creating the animatronic and puppet creatures, set design and construction (including a few Easter Eggs), John Williams’ score and cameo, and writing the ending to a legendary saga.
  • Pasaana Pursuit: Creating the Speeder Chase (14:16) – Every aspect of the speeder chase sequence is explored, from vehicle design to rig testing to filming and visual effects.
  • Aliens in the Desert (5:59) – The newest desert planet, Pasaana, is the home of a Coachella-esque festival with new alien creatures. Go behind the scenes of what it took to bring this scene to life, which focuses on other aspects of the shoot than what’s included of it in “The Skywalker Legacy.”
  • D-O: Key to the Past (5:34) – The newest droid in the saga, voiced by director J. J. Abrams, is explored in this short featurette about his importance to Rey.
  • Warwick & Son (5:37) – Warwick Davis returns to Star Wars as Wicket along with his son Harrison, making this film even more of a family affair.
  • Cast of Creatures (7:45) – Get an up-close look at the new creatures created for the film, including prosthetic costumes, puppets, live animals, and animatronics.