Black Lives Matter: ways you can help during the protests

If you’re wanting to support #BlackLivesMatter and offer help to the protesters, please see the suggestions below. Pixelated Geek supports ending systematic racism in this country.

The Black Lives Matter site has a huge list of ways you can help, petitions you can sign, and lawmakers you can contact, plus resources for protesters. Learn more at



If you’re looking specifically to donate to protester bail funds that the Black Lives Matter website recommends, you can head to Act Blue Bail links, The National Bail Fund Network, the Bail Fund Google Doc, and this thread of Bail Fund sites on twitter.

The ACLU is a great organization that’s being pulled in a lot of different directions right now: racial justice, free speech, and the rights of LGBTQ, women, immigrants, and more. You can donate to their racial justice reform at


The Minnesota Compass also has a directory of racial equity programs for more ways to get involved.


Also, please try to educate yourself about the movement, and be careful of boosting misinformation. It’s worth saying that photos of riots and burning buildings are attention-getting and garner a lot of clicks, which is why they’re shared and seen more often than photos of peaceful protests. Many of these protests began peacefully, and many became violent at the prodding of infiltrators and agitators in the crowds. 

Here’s a running list of misinformation and hoaxes on twitter, to help sort out truth from rumors.

Friend of the website Hannah Wallace also adds:

Rather than loop “the media” in as a solitary block of cynics and manipulators, follow journalists/reporters. Look for the curious and steadfast people who are devoted to gathering, analyzing and sharing information. There’s a lot of them, most of them aren’t famous, and they’re doing important work.

You can still call out cynicism when you see it, and you can certainly question the way information is presented, but without journalists, the information chain gets that much more dubious.