Game Review: Something Wicked

As the spooky season slowly starts to descend upon us, the realization that we will not be able to get out much this fall is going to be rough. Breaking Games has got you covered this Halloween season with the a new bewitching game: Something Wicked, where players become witches gathered around a large plastic cauldron. Starting with 2 wands of each color, each turn players choose to take one of 3 actions (Bubble, Toil, or Trouble) with the goal of being the first player to have 13 wands of the same color.

Positives of the game:

The game looks great. The plastic design is simple but very effective. A good game caldron is used for all your spellcasting. What is a witch without her wand? Well, here you have many to choose from. There are three colors: orange, green and purple. The colors are vibrant and the pieces are sturdy enough that when you put them in the cauldron there’s no fear of them snapping in two.

It’s very easy to learn. The rules are simple and the time learning how to play is quick. Once you’ve cracked the concept, you’re good to go to have all the magic fun you can.

Once you’ve mastered the rules this is an easy quick game to play. Fun simple games like this are always a great “ice breaker” at a game night. Just gets everyone in the zone before moving on to more complicated games. And this is a great warm up game to start a great spooky evening off with.

Negatives of the game:

Not enough character choices. The game is only a two to three player game. It’s a fun game, and being limited to only to three is its biggest negative. I’m sure there’s a game play mechanic that keeps the game at three players. But I couldn’t figure it out just yet.

If we stick to the three players max, then more character choices and colored wands might have been a nice option. Also maybe having more colors that are drastically different for our color-blind fans, like myself.  Had a hard time differentiating between the colors. Didn’t hinder the game at all, but pure solid colors that are all different just helps out a bit more than the same generic colors all games chose.

Overall, the game is very fun, and it was a joy to play. Good for the whole family to enjoy. Looks great, well made with a great design concept. A good spooky time to be had this Halloween. Make a night of it: dress up as witches, light some candles, get some candy, put on some spooky music and enjoy Something Wicked.

Game:      Something Wicked

MSRP:          $25

Genre:          Family / Strategy

No. Players: 2-3

Ages:           12+

Launch: September 20