Review: Strange Academy #7

“The worst thing that can happen is he says no.”
“Only you could think that’s the worst that could happen.”

Keep reading for a review of Strange Academy #7.

Man alive, this issue is gorgeous. Humberto Ramos’ art is so dynamic and expressive, I love every image, from giant howling interdimensional gods to a little girl sitting on the floor in tears. And Edgar Delgado’s colors are spectacular, they’re so intricate. The skin tones look fantastic, the highlights and gradients make everything leap off the page, and every shot of fire just knocks your socks off. This book was beautiful from the start but this issue in particular is really something else.

As for the story, I love how Emily is definitely not a Mary Sue. Her flaws are real, and often annoying as hell. They’re only beginning to find out how powerful she is, but she’s still just a stubborn kid. Her overconfidence got her into the situation they’re in now, but every time there’s a setback she keeps pushing forward, not so much “I know I can do this” but “I will keep ramming my head against this wall and eventually it’ll work.” Any time she succeeds it’s more from luck than anything else.

But it works well with Dr. Strange’s attitude, which is arrogant as all get out, because he’s earned that confidence, but he keeps having to learn that he still can’t fix everything, and sometimes his successes still come down to luck.

And the ending of this issue, holy cow. Kicked me right in the feels.