Review – The Magic Order Volume 2, #2

“You never know when some lunatic’s just going to wander into the picture.”

Keep reading for a review of The Magic Order Volume 2 issue #1.

The main thing to take away from this issue is that the members of The Dark will do absolutely anything. Nothing is too depraved or flat-out wrong. (The bit with the Black Wedding…holy cow, did not see that one coming.)

The other major development is we meet another member of The Magic Order’s British contingent, Francis King.

Remember how I said I didn’t trust young Rosie last issue? Well I trust Francis King even less. Not just for the major piece of information we get towards the end of the issue, but that business with his father. I mean, does nobody see what he’s done to that old man’s emotions, or do they not care, because he’s a “normie” and even the Magic Order has a tough time really caring about all the sheep? It’s not clear. Yet.

I’m still wondering, though, how “Cordelia’s decision” (I’m assuming when she resurrected the Magic Order in volume 1) is playing into The Dark’s actions now. Is it that she crossed a line, and now they’re all crossing lines? It seems like The Dark isn’t too mindful of lines anyway, what’s changed?

As for the art, Stuart Immonen is knocking it out of the park (no surprise there.) I love how he showed the nightclub in the dreamscape where the coma patients were being held, the design of the “ceiling” is especially cool. And Immonen is really good at giving you just enough of a look at horrific carnage to creep you all the hell out. That last page, maaaaaaan.

I can’t wait to see what happens next issue, it’s like a train wreck: you’re scared of what you’re going to see but you absolutely have to look.