Review – Saga #55

“Sorry, boss.”
“And don’t call me boss.”
“Sorry, Alana.”
“And don’t use my name in public.”
“Sorry…you gigantic bag of douche?”

After three years it’s finally back! Keep reading for the review of Saga #55.

Warning, minor spoilers below.

When they announced Saga was coming back I was delighted and worried: I really wanted the adventure to continue, but I wondered if it’d be as good as I remembered. After all this time, would the story still pull me in?

I shouldn’t have worried, of course it’s excellent. And disturbing. And gorgeous.

This issue had everything I wanted: familiar faces, violence, sexy good times, and Hazel’s internal monologue contradicting everyone’s every word. “Everybody lies” may have been the motto of House M.D., but that goes double for Hazel and her whole family. What’s left of her family I mean.

I can’t list all the familiar faces, because spoilers, but since Hazel’s been narrating the series we all knew she’d be back. How did she deal with the events of issue 54? Can’t tell you, that’s another spoiler. But considering everything she’s been through, both in previous issues and the violence of this particular issue, there’s a reason why her narration is always so calm and matter of fact: that girl has seen some shit.

Right from the first page we hit the ground running (literally, as it turns out) and I sped through the issue in record time (with brief stops to linger over some of the images, or stare in shock and say “WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED?”)

I’m going to have to go back and reread the last Saga graphic novel, because there’s a few people who showed up in this issue that I could’ve sworn were dead. Either I’ve forgotten a lot in the last three years (always a possibility) or something else is going on. (Definitely a possibility.)

And I wasn’t kidding about the sexy good times by the way. Probably best to not read this one at work, or on a crowded bus or something, unless you’re okay with people looking over your shoulder at some really nicely drawn porn.

I’m so glad this series is back.