“Everyone says that a parent losing a child is the worst pain imaginable. But a child losing a parent?
Shit, that’s to be expected.”
Keep reading for a review of Saga #60.
Some spoilers below.
First off, hats off once again to Brian K. Vaughan and Fiona Stapes for consistently creating truly hateful characters, because Special Agent Gale is just awful. It’s not just that he told someone that hearing her speak is like watching one of his houseplants talk, it’s the look on his face when he says it. It’s so freaking condescending you just want to punch him. I love how good they are at that.
Meanwhile, remember that final panel of last issue? Believe it or not, that gets resolved this issue. Sort of? I’ve never been a fan of stories where awkwardness is dragged out forever because nobody will freaking talk to each other. Hazel may have a lot of bottled-up issues, but when she sets her mind to it she knows how to be honest and kind at the same time. However, I can’t believe that this conversation, however healthy it was, will “fix” everything.
And in other news, Brian K. Vaughan is just as good as Stephen King when it comes to dropping a piece of foreshadowing in your lap and letting you stew about it for a few issues. When talking about the band members who are staying with them:
“…it’s not like you have to remember their names or anything. They wouldn’t be with us much longer.”
…what does that mean??
It could be a reference to the final five pages of the issue (which by the way are absolutely gorgeous, but it’s Fiona Staples’ art: she sets the bar so high and then regularly jumps over it.) Turning the page and seeing the latest development, I literally gasped. Sixty issues in and I’m still amazed by the awful things they put these characters through. Heartbreaking. Gorgeous, but heartbreaking.
And speaking of heartbreaking, this is the final issue before the hiatus. They’ll be back..January 2023. Arrgh!! (Seriously, take your time guys, you deserve a break. But still. Arrgh!)