Binary System Podcast #327 “The Sandman” and “Trainwreck: Woodstock ’99”

No Lore Olympus this week while the webcomic is on a brief hiatus, but fortunately there’s a little show out there called “The Sandman”, and we’ve both watched the first episode already instead of waiting for a few months like we usually do.

Probably not necessary to say, but SPOILERS for both episode one and quite a bit about the source material. We’ve been big fans of everything Neil Gaiman for a while now, so we go into detail about what we loved about the episode (which was everything. One minor exception.), and basically marvel at the fact that Gaiman has once again adapted a story that was already perfect, and made it better.

Then we talk about the documentary that our sister Hannah recommended: “Trainwreck: Woodstock ’99”, which we really enjoyed because we’re both suckers for a convention/festival disaster story. (This one’s a bit darker than the Fyre Festival documentaries, so content warning at about 17:55 for a brief discussion of sexual assault.)

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This week’s outro is a clip from Dance of the Doomed by TeknoAXE.

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