Review – Saga #65

“…she encouraged us to remember one thing, that no matter how shitty our hardscrabble lives seemed…
…some poor bastards always had it worse.”

Keep reading for a review of Saga #65.

Warning, spoilers below. I’ll avoid the biggest reveals though.

You can’t always distill an issue of Saga down to a single theme, but for this one it would definitely be “revenge never helps anything, it always makes things worse, and once you start you can never stop.”

The story this issue bounces between Hazel and Squire’s confrontation with the cop (and Alana’s race to find them before their ticket off-planet leaves) and The Will, Sophie, and Gwendolyn as they discuss the meeting with Countess X.

I really don’t want to spoil anything so I’ll just say: it goes surprisingly well for one group, and surprisingly awful for the other.

SPOILER WARNING: we lose someone this issue. As many deaths as we’ve had in this book I’m never prepared for them, rips my heart out every time. And this particular death is going to have consequences for every main character in the book.

Speaking of consequences, I sure wish Squire had never opened his stupid mouth, because his actions are going to make everyone’s lives so much harder. But Alana’s first words to him when she realizes he can talk? Absolutely the most perfect thing she could’ve said.

As for Fiona Staples’ art, it’s hard to pick a favorite image (it’s always hard to pick a favorite image) but I loved the cover, the page where Hazel and Squire are saying “ow,” Lying Cat’s face when she says “Lying” near the end of the issue, and that final page. Man alive that final page.