Binary System Podcast #414 – WTNV #249 “Rifts”, and Mayor of Kingstown

Mother Lauren is sponsoring a citywide cleansing of Night Vale and yes that’s exactly as scary as it sounds. Self care is still important, so don’t forget to check into the Maximum Security Spa for a few hours. Or days. Years? Whatever, the good word of the day is TEETH.

After the recap, Kathryn just watched the third episode of the first season of Mayor of Kingstown, which she says has “a yikes of a beginning” and a giant downer of an ending. Elizabeth says it’s a shame that the third season so far isn’t as good as the first, but it’s a little better than the second.

Finally, we wrap up with the most recent Transformers graphic novel, some Hugo-nominated short stories, and one last Lore Olympus discussion (….at least until Rachel Smythe gives us some new content. Pretty please Rachel can we have some new content?)

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