Binary System Podcast #449 – WTNV #263 “Duet”, Beastars, and Star Trek Lower Decks

On this week’s Night Vale we got to hear from Cecil’s former boss Leonard Burton, who’s much more than just a radio host. He’s also dead!

After the recap we jump into episode 9 of the final season of Beastars, where they’d like us to believe that someone got un-alived but they’ve pulled that stunt before, we’re not buying it.

Then we jump into two more episodes of Lower Decks: season 3, where even if our four main characters can’t seem to stop and parse out a situation for five seconds before making a decision (you all could’ve had a room! Together!) we can at least agree that Dr. T’ana is just hilariously wrong and awesome.

Plus some tangents into Jack Quaid’s movie career, Twin Peaks music, books that color your whole travel experience, and a political rant (but that last one was totally Elizabeth’s fault and she’s very very sorry.)

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This week’s outro is a clip from by Waggish by Grumplefunk.

The Twin Peaks singer we were trying to think of is Julee Cruise.

Correction: it’s not the twenty’s anniversary of House of Leaves IT’S THE TWENTY FIFTH AAAAAA.

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