Comic Issues #171 – Cast all the characters!

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You know how sometimes you’ll think of a movie Hollywood should make, and then dreamcast all the actors you love into the roles? This week we figured heck with it, let’s do it backwards: we’ll talk about the actors we love best and figure out a comic-book movie we can put them in.

It’s a free-for-all of our favorite actors and our favorite characters: Idris Elba, Olivia Wilde, Katee Sackhoff, Kevin Spacey, Hawkgirl, Doctor Strange, Namor, Death, and a bunch more until that jerk Doctor Nick interrupted us. Before that happens though we also fit in the news about Agent Carter, Constantine, Suicide Squad showing up on Arrow, and an idea for DC: instead of trying to make Justice League stand up to Avengers, what if they went in a completely different direction?

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