Category: Books

Review: 2017 Hugo Award Finalists – The Short Stories

Okay, it’s time to buckle down and start trying to see how many of this year’s Hugo Nominees we can review before the awards are given on August 11. Everyone who reads this column probably knows by now that I’m really fond of short stories, so let’s start with those. Click the jump for a short (naturally,

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Review: Vision Vol. 1 – Little Worse Than A Man

It’s the quintessential American Dream: a respectable government job and a house in the DC suburbs. The picture wouldn’t be complete without a beautiful wife and two happy children, or at least that’s what the Vision thinks. So he went to a lot of trouble and made them. Nominated for a Hugo Award this year,

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Review: Motor Girl – Real Life

Samantha Locklear is dealing with things as best as she can. And she does have a lot of things to deal with. A former marine who served three tours of duty, she’s suffering from PTSD and multiple medical problems after being held as a POW for almost a year. And then there’s the mysterious lights in the

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Review: The Refrigerator Monologues

Bad things happen to bad people. Bad things happen to good people. Bad things happen to okay people. Bad things happen to everyone. Good things happen to…well, somebody, probably. Somebody somewhere else. Being a superhero causes a lot of collateral damage, and we’re not just talking about crossover events that level a city block. Start

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Review: The Fifth Season

On the ironically-named world of Stillness, where earthquakes and volcanoes are treated like particularly bad weather, something happens to break the planet open much, much worse than it’s ever been broken before. A mother leaves her village, her own world having ended just slightly before the rest of the world did. A little girl discovers a new

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2017 Hugo Awards – The Finalists

The finalists for the 2017 Hugo Awards have been announced, and it’s quite a list. Between best short fiction, best novel, best series, best editor, best fanzine, and everything else, there are 108 entrants battling it out. And I’ve read…six of them. Granted, those six were all pretty amazing, but I feel like I’m missing

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Review: The Clockwork Dynasty

For the first time I see what must be my own hand. An economy of brass struts wrapped in supple leather. And now I truly begin to understand that I am also a thing in this world. Not like the doll who is writing a few feet away with all the mindfulness of water choosing

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Review: Sleeping Giants

There I was, this tiny little thing at the bottom of a hole, lying on my back in the palm of a giant metal hand. Rose was only eleven years old when the ground opened underneath her. The rescuers who arrived on the scene found, not a sinkhole, but a fifty-foot square shaft, covered in

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Review: Summer in Orcus

1. Don’t worry about things that you cannot fix. 2. Antelope women are not to be trusted. 3. You cannot change essential nature with magic. – Instructions in a stained-glass window, written on a book carried by a saint wearing purple sneakers Eleven-year-old Summer dreams of adventure…but if she’s honest about it her idea of

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