Category: Books

Review: Star Wars – Aftermath

             “We have a problem…” Remember the ending of Return of the Jedi, with the Ewok celebration (and in the re-release, the footage of liberated cities pulling down statues of Emperor Palpatine)? Star Wars: Aftermath starts just a few seconds after that, right when things start to go wrong. Imperial troops fire indiscriminately into

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Review: Star Wars – The Crystal Star

Continuing our month of Star Wars reviews, I wanted to take a look at 1994’s The Crystal Star by Vonda McIntyre, which picks up five or six years after Return of the Jedi. There’s a lot of Expanded Universe books that got into some very deep subjects; topics that questioned the nature of morality, power, responsibility, and

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after aliceHeader

Review: After Alice

Gregory Maguire has gotten pretty good at giving a voice to minor characters of major fairy tales; witches and stepsisters get a little more to say in books like Wicked, Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister, and Mirror Mirror. Now he’s taking another look at Alice in Wonderland, and instead of following Alice, we follow someone who’s following

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Review: Heir To The Empire

“You’re not the last of the old Jedi, Luke, you’re the first of the new.” After twenty-four years of Star Wars books, it’s hard to put into words just how excited fans were when the first Star Wars novel post-Return of the Jedi was announced. Sure we’d had comic books and TV shows set in the

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Review – Star Wars Battlefront: Twilight Company

You don’t need to have seen a Star Wars movie, or played the Battlefront game, to read Star Wars Battlefront: Twilight Company. It’s a story that could be set in any universe. Alexander Freed has done such a good job of setting the scene and introducing the characters, you could be completely ignorant of all things

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Review: Splinter of the Mind’s Eye

Only seventeen more days until Star Wars: The Force Awakens is finally released! To celebrate, all of the book reviews in December will be Star Wars themed. There’s over thirty years of novels to choose from after all, so there shouldn’t be any trouble finding material. And it seems only fitting to start by going all the way back

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Review: Nightwise

It was supposed to be one last favor for an old friend: track down the man who tortured and murdered Branko Bojich’s wife (along with many, many other people) and exact revenge so that a dying man could have some measure of peace in his last few days. Dusan Slorzack seems to have dropped off the face of

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Review: The Bazaar of Bad Dreams

Anyone who regularly reads my book reviews will know I love short story collections. Anthologies by many different authors are great; collections by one of my favorite authors are even better. And there are two authors who could make me run a marathon if they told me they had a new collection waiting for me

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Review: Welcome To Night Vale – A Novel

Maybe she hadn’t seen anything. Maybe she had come into existence seconds ago and made up every moment until this moment to explain how she came to be sitting in this booth in this diner. As long-time fans of the podcast will tell you, Night Vale is a little desert town where the scenario described

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