Category: Books

Review: The Scarlet Gospels

“All is death, woman. All is pain. Love breeds loss. Isolation breeds resentment. No matter which way we turn, we are beaten. Our only true inheritance is death. And our only legacy, dust.” – Hell Priest (Pinhead) There are a few things about the horror genre that I really can’t stand. Chopped-up bodies and rivers of blood

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Review: The Silent Girls

He’d always wondered why people in rural areas, when interviewed after appalling violence, said, “This isn’t supposed to happen here.” As if violence had forgotten to keep itself within some prescribed geographic boundary. It’s a pretty appropriate opening chapter for a book I’m reviewing in the middle of October: a hapless housewife, a ghoulish trick-or-treater, and

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Review: Frankenstein, or The Modern Prometheus

Do you duty towards me, and I will do mine towards you and the rest of mankind. If you will comply with my conditions, I will leave them and you at peace: if you refuse, I will glut the maw of death, until it be satiated with the blood of your remaining friends. I posted

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Review: “The Elder Ice” and “Broken Meats”

Then they saw the trickles of blood running from under his hat. They crowded round and persuaded Waters to stand still while one of the men took off his hat, stiff with blood, to inspect the injury. The back of Waters’ head came off with it. Now that October has officially begun, it’s time for

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Review: Speak Easy

Mr. Puss-Boots dreams a story like this, a story where a prince goes creeping down into the underworld after twelve dancing princesses because some king decided the girls were having too much fun and wanted to rub their faces in how hard he owns them. Like several of her previous books and short-stories, Catherynne Valente’s latest

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Review: Angela: Asgard’s Assassin Vol. 1 – “Priceless”

I’ve been curious about the Angela: Asgard’s Assassin for a while now, since the Comic Issues folks have such glowing things to say about the series on their podcast. The release of the first graphic novel collecting the story of Thor’s long-lost sister seemed like a really good place to jump on board the bandwagon. First two impressions:

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Review – C.J. Cherryh’s Tracker

Several months ago C.J. Cherryh published the first book in her sixth trilogy of the Foreigner Sequence, and I’m very glad I read it. However. I’ve always said that the Foreigner books are difficult to recommend, because they take so much work to read. I enjoy catching up with the characters I’ve known for so long, watching their interactions,

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Review: The Watchmaker of Filigree Street

It wasn’t exactly a normal robbery. Whoever broke into Nathaniel Steepleton’s rented apartment left without taking anything; and exactly what kind of burglar washes the dishes and then leaves a beautiful gold pocket watch on the pillow? Thaniel felt ridiculous reporting it, and he almost couldn’t blame the police for laughing. It was a lot less

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