Category: Books


Review: Shadow Scale

Shadow Scale, Rachel Hartman’s sequel to 2012’s Seraphina, was released months ago and I’m kicking myself for not reading it sooner. It’s full of dragons and music, adventure and magic, and it’s the first book in a long time where I kept counting to see how many pages were left; not because I wanted to

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Review: Rise of the Six – Book One of the Preston Six

Matt Ryan hits the ground running with his debut novel Rise of the Six, first book in The Preston Six series. Joey Foust and his five friends always knew there was something their parents aren’t telling them. How were all six of them born on the exact same day? What happened in the unexplained fire that

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Review: A Galaxy Not So Far Away

Happy Star Wars Day! Last month we were able to look forward (via the very nifty movie trailer) to the upcoming movie. Set to be released on Christmas Day. Seven months from now. To get me through the next (checks the calendar) 228 days, this week I chose a book that looks back on several decades of Star Wars. Newly

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Review: The Three-Body Problem

Ye opened the resulting document, and, for the first time, a human read a message from another world. The content was not what anyone had imagined. It was a warning repeated three times. Do not answer! Do not answer!! Do not answer!!! The term “Hard Science Fiction” refers to any story where the science used

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Kathryn Adams

Review: Spock’s World

“Go maire tu’ I bhfad agus rath!”  Old Irish wayfarer’s blessing: “Live long and prosper” It occurred to me that I haven’t reviewed a Star Trek book in honor of Leonard Nimoy yet. No excuse for that, really, since I read a lot of Star Trek back in high school. Star Trek: TNG was my drug of

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Kathryn Adams

Review: BrainWeb

The events of MindsEye left Nick Hall with brain implants that allow him to access the Internet from anywhere, and also with a little unintentional side effect of being able to read minds. Both abilities make him a prize to any number of organizations – the US government being just the most obvious – so he’s doing his

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Kathryn Adams

Review: Comrade Grandmother, and Other Stories

“Caroline says that fairy godmothers don’t have wings anymore,” I said. “Because of underground nuclear testing.” My subscription to The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction lapsed a while ago, but finding a back issue from 2014 is making me want to start it up again. I’m always looking for new authors to read, and

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Review: Lesser Creatures

The zombie apocalypse has already taken place, and now the rest of the world is trying to deal with the fallout. Thousands of the dead have risen, and every month thousands more crawl out of their graves. Shambling, mostly mindless and completely harmless, the risen dead still need food and shelter, straining the world’s economy as

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Review: The Moon and the Sun

This book came up in an list of “Books To Read This Year Before The Movie Comes Out”. Vonda McIntyre already has high marks from me for her Star Wars novel “The Crystal Star” (which I really enjoyed) and her novelization of the movie “Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan” (which, don’t laugh, is one

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