Category: Books

Review: Agatha H and the Airship City

Phil and Kaja Foglio’s gaslamp fantasy series Girl Genius is set in a world of automatons and dirigibles, tyrants and heroes, and stories of the famous adventurers, The Heterodyne Boys. It’s a world where a small portion of the population are Sparks, geniuses born with the ability to invent death rays and revenants and robots capable of leveling cities, but

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Review: The End is Now

John Joseph Adams and Hugh Howey’s The Apocalypse Triptych is a trilogy of short-story collections, each one set at a different stage of the end of the world. In the second book in the series, The End is Now, we take you to Doomsday already in progress. Twenty stories telling all the different ways that everything is coming

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Review: The Habitation of the Blessed – A Dirge For Prester John

The legend of Prester John is one of the first documented cases of a hoax going viral. In 1165 a letter was discovered, supposedly sent to the Byzantine Emperor from a mysterious king in  the far east, telling of a Christian land filled with riches and monsters. The letter inspired stories and explorations and crusades for four

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Review: The Resurrectionist, the Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black

When I first flipped through The Resurrectionist: The Lost Work of Dr. Spencer Black from Quirk Books I assumed it was just one of those pretty picture books like Dragonology or Wizardology: lots of full page illustrations, light on story and heavy on artwork. It’s actually much, much darker than that.

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Review: Revival

                  …something happened… A lot of Stephen King’s older works revolve around younger (or at least simpler) themes: little boy versus the haunted hotel, aliens from outer space, teenagers fighting a demon-possessed car. His more recent books seem to be taking a gloomier tone, and involve a

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InterrogationofAshalaWolf Header

Review: The Interrogation of Ashala Wolf

The last book I read for 2014 technically came out in 2012, but it wasn’t published in the United States until last year. Ambelin Kwaymullina’s first novel has a great mix of science-fiction and fantasy, and I loved the premise of a world coming back after mankind almost destroyed it. Unfortunately the story ends up

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The Best Books of 2014

Happy New Year, book readers! As you probably already know, there’s not nearly enough time to read all the amazing books that came out last year. Between the two of us, though, we tried to get as big a sampling as we could. Here’s each of our picks for our three favorite science-fiction/fantasy books of

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Not your usual Christmas stories

A very Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates it from Kathryn and Elizabeth! And to everybody who doesn’t celebrate it, happy book-reading! By this point most people have already read A Christmas Carol, or The Night Before Christmas, or any of a handful of great, classic Christmas stories. So we thought we’d list a few

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Review: Golden Daughter

…Sairu stood a long moment in silence. Then she said, “I do not believe in dragons.” “It’s time you started,” said the cat. If you’ve been reading Anne Elisabeth Stengl’s series Tales of Goldstone Wood you’ll already be familiar with the fantasy world she’s created, filled with dragons, unicorns, fairies, reluctant princes and benevolent goddesses. Each

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