Category: Books

Review: The Six-Gun Tarot

Why is Golgotha the town where the owls speak and the stones moan? Why is this the town that attracts monsters and saints, both mortal and preternatural? Why is our schoolhouse haunted? Why did Old Lady Bellamy wear the skins of corpses on the new moon? How did old Odd Tom’s dolls come to life

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Kathryn Adams

Halloween: Our favorite horror books

Horror novels are good any time of the year, but the best time for them is right around Halloween. With the weather getting cooler and the nights getting longer, there’s nothing like curling up in a dark room with a cup of hot chocolate and a great horror story and scaring the hell out of

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Kathryn Adams

Review: Afterlife with Archie

The elements of the story are all familiar: a tragic accident, a grieving loved one, a forbidden magic spell to bring the dead back to life. What starts out with the best intentions ends with an entire town under attack by a hoard of zombies. The difference here is that this isn’t Stephen King or

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Kathryn Adams

Review: The Shadow Over Innsmouth

It was the end, for whatever remains to me of life on the surface of this earth, of every vestige of mental peace and confidence in the integrity of nature and of the human mind. There are quite a few different flavors of horror. Some horror stories focus on one particular monster, or a haunting, or

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Review: Peacemaker

Peacemaker is the latest book in C.J. Cherryh’s Foreigner universe. Calling it an epic series doesn’t seem to do it justice: it’s now a full five trilogies long. And Cherryh’s still not done: she’s working on the first book in the sixth Foreigner Sequence. I don’t exactly have a short attention span, but even I

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Kathryn Adams

Review: Dracula

Hollywood has released yet another vampire movie, this one named after Bram Stoker’s book from 1897. To the surprise of absolutely no one, the only thing the movie has in common with the source material is a) the main character is a vampire and b) the movie’s title is Dracula. What is a surprise to me is how a book can spawn so many movie

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Kathryn Adams

Review: Let The Right One In

Oskar hurriedly said: “Maybe you already have a guy at your school.” “No, I don’t…but Oskar, I can’t. I’m not a girl.” Oskar snorted. “What do you mean? You’re a guy?” “No, no.” “Then what are you?” “Nothing.” Oskar doesn’t have much going for him: lonely, unsure of himself, incontinent – especially when he’s under

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Review: The Graveyard Book Graphic Novel, volume 2

The Graveyard Book volume 2 by Neil Gaiman, P. Craig Russell, and a team of fantastic artists will land in bookstores on October 7. I loved the first volume, both for the art and for how faithfully it tells the story, and I hoped the second book wouldn’t lose momentum. No worries there. If anything,

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Kathryn Adams

Review: The Third Claw of God

Still, there was no denying that his headquarters world, Xana, set an entirely new record for the shortest interval between my arrival at a place I’d never been and the very first attempt on my life there. We’re talking about minutes. Minutes. Things have started to improve for Andrea Cort at last. She’s been given

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