Category: Books

The Scar banner
Kathryn Adams

Review: The Scar

Imagine a world that’s run on magic and steam. Fill it with a collection of races so different from each other that they might as well be alien species. Then picture a pirate fleet that takes every ship it captures and adds it to the collection of ships already bolted together into a miles-wide floating island. What

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Iron Man banner
Kathryn Adams

Review: Iron Man Vol. 2 – The Secret Origin of Tony Stark

San Diego Comic Con starts in two days, and the entire cast of Avengers: Age of Ultron will be there. To get us in the mood, lets review an Iron Man graphic novel, shall we? At the start of Iron Man Volume 2, Tony Stark is literally flying high: saving an alien world from space pirates and

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Review: The Graveyard Book Graphic Novel, volume 1

Neil Gaiman and P. Craig Russell’s The Graveyard Book Graphic Novel: Volume One arrives in bookstores on July 29th, but I just finished reading my copy a few minutes ago. I’m a book reviewer, we have our ways. (It involves a lot of shameless begging for review copies. I regret nothing!) It’s worth the wait.

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Artful banner
Kathryn Adams

Review: Artful

If you’ve had anything to do with science fiction over the last thirty years, chances are you’ve seen or read something by Peter David. The man has written for movie and TV, dozens of original novels, thousands of comic book issues, and generally has something new coming out about once a month. My introduction to all things Peter David

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Mr. Mercedes banner
Kathryn Adams

Review: Mr. Mercedes

Every religion lies. Every moral precept is a delusion. Even the stars are a mirage. The truth is darkness, and the only thing that matters is making a statement before one enters it. Cutting the skin of the world and leaving a scar. That’s all history is, after all: scar tissue. That quote should give

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Starz developing Neil Gaiman’s “American Gods”

Less than a month ago we heard the reasons why HBO lost the rights to make an adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s American Gods. On the heels of that, the latest word is that Starz, in partnership with FremantleMedia North America, has taken up the torch, and is the newest network to tackle what promises to

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Review: Year’s Best SF – 18

Around this time of year all the book publishers start talking about what you should be reading over the next couple of months. “Great Beach Books”, “Perfect Summer Reading”. No one gets very specific about the criteria though. Should the books be light and easy to read? Linked to big news stories or the latest

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Review: Evolution’s Darling

Scott Westerfeld is one of the kings of Young Adult books. He’s written four different series; “Midnighters”, “Peeps”, “Leviathan”, and the hugely popular 4-book saga “Uglies”. And I’ve read exactly…none of them. Yes, I know that’s a big oversight, especially since Westerfeld spent about four years at the top of my list of favorite authors. The Magazine of Fantasy

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solaris banner
Kathryn Adams

Review: Solaris

Human beings set out to encounter other worlds, other civilizations, without having fully gotten to know their own hidden recesses, their blind alleys, well shafts, dark barricaded doors. Stanislaw Lem is one of those authors who’s name has been floating around in my “must read” list for way too long. The only one of his works

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