Category: Books


Review: The Golem and the Jinni

Two immigrants end up in 1890s New York: a shy and terribly inexperienced woman, and an egotistical and just as out-of-his-depth man. They find friends, and their footing, and then each other, and spend a long time figuring out who to trust. It’s a pretty familiar story. What sets this book apart is that the

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Review: Timebound (The Chronos Files #1)

I’m a big Doctor Who fan, and that’s either caused by, or the cause of, how much I enjoy time travel stories. Wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey, I love the games that writers can play with time travel, messing around with history, jumping forward and backward (sometimes by just a few minutes) trying to keep someone from taking just the wrong action at

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Review: Avengers – Endless Wartime

When it comes to comics, especially Marvel comics, I’ve usually focused on the Transformers line, with occasional forays into X-Men in the 90’s. Most of my knowledge about anything related to the Avengers comes from the recent movies (*waves madly* Hi, Mr. Hiddleston! You’re awesome!), and when I wanted to try to jump into Avengers

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Coyote Kings Banner
Kathryn Adams

Review: Coyote Kings of the Space Age Bachelor Pad

Attention-getting title, isn’t it? Okay, so you’ve got two best friends, Hamza and Yehat, living in the center of a vibrant black community in Edmonton, Alberta. Yehat is a mad-genius inventor and confident horndog, Hamza is an intelligent would-be writer with an unexplained talent to find things, and who’s past has nailed him in place

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Kathryn Adams

Review: Emissaries From The Dead

“Did you kill Warmuth or Santiago?” “No,” he said. “I did not. But you have to keep something in mind.” “What’s that?” “That if I was the killer, I’d be saying the same thing.” It’s a locked-room mystery on a grand scale: two deliberate murders on an enormous artificial habitat so dangerous that you can

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The City and the Stars Banner
Kathryn Adams

Review: The City and the Stars

Reading through Arthur C. Clarke’s Wikipedia page makes me think of those “The Most Interesting Man In The World” commercials. Clarke’s biography includes being lieutenant in the RAF during WWII, a scuba diver and discoverer of the sunken original Koneswaram temple off the coast of Sri Lanka, an inventor and futurist (he was one of the first

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Kathryn Adams

Review: Fragile Things – Short Fictions and Wonders

There are a lot of Neil Gaiman projects coming out this year that I’m REALLY looking forward to:  a graphic novel version of The Graveyard Book (with art by the incomparable P.Craig Russell), a very creepy-looking children’s book adaptation of Hansel and Gretel, an illustrated version of Gaiman’s novelette The Truth is a Cave in the Black

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Star Wars Expanded Universe No Longer Canon

In a news post on the official Star Wars site, Lucasfilm has announced that the Expanded Universe – the books, comics and video games that have been produced in the past 35 years – are no longer part of the official Star Wars canon. While Lucasfilm always strived to keep the stories created for the EU

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